


High Scope Methodology - Active Learning / Work Methodology for High Scope Project

"(...) In the High Scope approach children build their own understanding of the world through active engagement with people, materials and ideas. This principle is based on constructivist theories of Piaget and other developmental psychologists. 
This approach suggests that all children whether infants or children in preschool or primary school; children with learning difficulties or above average intelligence - learn actively. They acquire knowledge experiencing the world around them actively- choosing, exploring, manipulating, playing, making, experimenting. 

The breadth and depth of understanding that the child has of the world is constantly changing and it expands as a result of her/his daily interactions (...) "Amy Powell (1991). The High Scope approach proposes for an early childhood education that adults and children share the control.

We recognize that the power to learn lies in the child, hence the focus on learning practices through action. When we accept that learning comes from within, we achieve a critical balance in the education of children. The adult's role is to support and guide children through the adventures and experiences that integrate the learning that results from the action.

The stimulation of the children's initiative and their tendencies to positive interpersonal relations in an active learning environment decisively affects the development of children at a crèche and pre-school age and their achievements as adults.

The cornerstone of the High Scope approach to education is the belief that learning through action is essential to the full development of human potential, and that active learning occurs more effectively in contexts that provide appropriate learning opportunities from the point of view of development.

Learning is seen as a social experience involving significant interactions between children and adults.

Basic principles of learning through action:

- Positive Support environment
- Teamwork
- Engagement with families
- Space and materials
- Daily Routine (Planning, Making / reviewing process)
- Key Experiences

Learning through action is to live direct and immediate experiences and glean meaning through reflection:
- Direct action on the objects
- Reflection on actions
- Inherent Motivation
- Invention / Production / problem resolution

Active Learning ingredients:
- Choose and decision making
- Language and Thought
- "Scaffolding" teacher

Space and Materials organization:
- Priority to structure planning.
- Selection of materials adapted to the development and sufficient to all children (diversity, flexibility, variety)
- Materials that reflect the diversity of family life
- Organised, labelled (allow to choose - use - store)
- Space divided into areas / areas of specific interest

Areas of interest:
- Area of the blocks
- Games Area
- House area
- Movement area
- Area of mathematics and science
- Reading and writing area
- Area of constructions
- Garage area
- Outdoor area


One of the working methods related to childhood education that we consider equally important to adopt consists of the work methodology project.

This type of work is a process that is not intended to be rigid, but flexible, appropriate, adjusted or re-adjusted taking into account the reality.

Indeed, according to many authors, a project is an action of projection, from something very unique that is transported to the outside, made possible through the action of its implementation.

In fact, a project should be part of three basic stages, the first of which will correspond to the beginning of the project, which consists in identifying a problem or need, or simply taking as its starting point an interest or motivation.

The second key stage is related to its implementation. There is no doubt that this implementation requires a set of factors. Therefore, after set the main needs, we move to clarify the intended objectives and assemble the conditions, using the resources available to effectuate several activities and strategies appropriate to the proposed objectives.

Finally, the evaluation stage, which despite being presented in last, is extremely important not only throughout the process but also at its end.

Nevertheless, and considering as its starting point the children's main needs, the educational action is also adapted to the interests that the children, by their attitudes demonstrate so that their learning can be meaningful, in order to promote the active role in their acquisitions, which is the big key in a project work. 

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